About the word Shekinah

The word Shekinah (shuh-kigh-nuh) means dwelling. It refers to the visible manifestation of the presence (or Shekinah Glory) of God. A luminous cloud. It is the very presence of God on earth. (see Holy Bible-Exodus 24:9-18)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Renewal & Healing

As the first blanket of snow now covers the fallen leaves and autumn turns to winter, I'm once again reminded of the change of seasons. I'm so grateful for the change of seasons and what each one brings, both literally and metaphorically speaking. Right now I'm going through a change of sorts. As I give in to those changes, which include waiting for the next season, I'm sometimes impatient. "Hurry spring, I'm ready."

I'm looking forward to that new season, but just as the fallen leaves still lie frozen beneath the new snow, some of that old season continues to remain in me. Though the winter may be long and arduous and limbs may freeze and crack, it will go; and when it does, it will bring with it...spring. Tender sprouts will bravely burst out in the glory of their Maker with new life and purpose." However long the winter, renewal and new life will come. I'm anticipating that time for myself.

The most important renewal one can have is to receive Jesus Christ as Lord Savior and receive the New and Eternal Life that only Salvation brings. I've already done that, so I'm speaking now about physical and even emotional renewal. A physical and emotional winter can bring harsh blows. Blows that can only be somewhat healed and forgotten with the coming of spring's fresh rain and warm sunshine. Just as with God's other creations, my own change of seasons can only come with the help of God's power.

This song by Nichole Nordeman really should be my theme song. The words are behind all that motivates my own life and photography. God's creations, His wonderful change of seasons, and all that has been made by His loving hands and in fact the very voice of God himself. He is in, and in fact is, every season. I hope you will find renewal as you listen to this song and watch this gorgeous video.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"
1 Corinthians 5:17

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